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The questions everyone asks about pirates and privateers
Total: 126
Here's the question/answer you are looking for
Question of Kasumi (07.28.2015): Did female ship captains ever exist? A:
There were many female shipmasters and it has not always been easy for them to be accepted in this world of men.
But a few have etched their names in history by their heroic, but also violent exploits.
The two best known are Anne Bonny (born Cormac) and Mary Read. There were also:
- Ching Yih Saou,
- Jeanne de Clisson,
- Marie-Anne Dieuleveult,
- Jacquotte Delahaye,
- Magdelaine de Sade,
- Louise Marguerite de Bréville,
- Aliénor du Tillet,
- Luna Rossa,
- Lai Choi-San,
- Elizabeth Killigrew,
- Judith-Armande Préjoly,
- tran Li-Hué,
- Grace O'Malley (Granuaille),
- Ann Mills,
...and many more!
(Note: this site is copyrighted and the author spends a lot of time (and money) on maintaining it and making it attractive, so please Kasumi, do not copy the questions / answers verbatim on your personal website. You could take a few sentences, but you have to indicate the source (http://www.pirates-privateers.com) from which you copied / pasted them. Thank you).
5 questions/answers randomly on piracy

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