The questions everyone asks about pirates and privateers - (image : Long John Silver in Treasure Island - 1883)
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The questions everyone asks
about pirates and privateers

Total: 126

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Question of Derground (07.28.2015): Hello! I would like to know all the names of a pirate or privateer crew captain with sailors. Thank you in advance.
A: Amazing question! Probably intended for a role play:)
Here’s the crew of Blackbeard a.k.a. Edward Teach in 1718:

James Blake,
Joseph Brooks,
John Carnes,
Joseph Curtice,
Stephen Daniel,
Thomas Gates,
Garrat Gibbens (Maître de manoeuvre),
John Gills,
Richard Greensail,
Israël Hands,
John Husk,
Nath. Jackson,
John Martin,
Thomas Miller (Quartier-maître),
Phillip Morton (Cannonier),
Samuel Odell,
Joseph Philips,
James Robbins,
Owen Roberts (Charpentier),
Edward Salter,
Richard Stiles,
Edward Teach (Commandant),
James White

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