pirate's flag



Hermione - La Fayette Association - A celebrated warship testifying to a glorious past is being rebuilt right under your eyes
QAR Project (Queen Anne's revange) - official site about investigating, interpreting & preserving the remains of Blackbeard's Flagship
Many things about Barbe-Noire & adorns towns by him
The Lost Tavern

FRENCH sites

VoilesNews - the magazine of the voile on Internet
Mer et Espace - Lots of informations about the sea, marines and boats
L'Encyclopirate - Lots detailed informations about pirates
Musée national de la Marine of Paris

Various sites

Maximemo reminder: write, organize and share your notes, articles, links and photos with an original and unique system of organization by tabs that allows you to have all your content on a single page.
• Do you like solving enigmas? Do you have the soul of a detective? Solve enigma photos in community with enigmeo!

Others sites of the author

Complex Gravity
A game who I'm the conceptor in C language, musician and designer
Complex Gravity
A game who I'm the designer of the website and the game, and a friend the developer

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